
Our Enviroment Friendly Policy

Maysa Chemistry has a wide range of products such as car care products, cleaning products, insulation materials, technical sprayers, etc., and plays a pioneering role with innovative visions. Maysa Chemistry to add value to Turkey's economy, the industry's most well-known and it aims to become the preferred brand.

Our Environmental Vision

To reduce the need for waste disposal, treatment or disposal, using clean technologies in production, to reduce waste at the source and to use natural resources efficiently,

To control and reduce the environmental effects that may arise from our activities through scientific and economic solutions,

Being a pioneer in making environmentally sensitive investments and ensuring that the environment is protected by evaluating the environmental impact of new investments, establishing healthy, safe and environmentally conscious businesses.

To follow all innovations research and development studies closely.

To bring solutions to environmental problems using original and leading technology.

To provide emergency and environmental risk management at the most advanced level.

To be in activities to support sustainable development.

To Ensure that good environmental practices are shared and disseminated by creating synergies around the culture of environmental management within the Community-wide continuous improvement principle.

We aim to be a company that leaves a reliable trail for our country and our world not only today but also in the future with our environmental vision.